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Ball Check Valves
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This part of our range of Non Return Check
Valves is a simple concept. Inside the housing
is a steel ball covered in rubber. When closed the ball fills
the entrance of the valve, sealing it off. Forward pressure
pushes the ball off the seat, up the tube and away from the
flow. The valves operate on a wide range of fluids mounted
horizontally or vertically with upward flow - they are not suitable
for vertical downward forward flow.
 Larger picture
When fully open the valves are virtually
Full Bore, available threaded and
UK stocks backed up by huge stocks at head office
in France.
Ball Check Valves Threaded
Standard configuration is Ductile Iron Body, Nitrile rubber
covered ball, screwed BSP Parallel. Rated PN10.
These screwed Ball Non Return Valves are available
in the following sizes DN 25, DN 32, DN 40, DN 50, DN
65, DN80 Or in Imperial 1 Inch, 1 1/4 Inch, 1 1/2 Inch, 2
Inch, 2 1/2 Inch, 3 Inch.
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Ball Check Valves Flanged
Same standard material configuration as the screwed
version: Ductile Iron Body, Nitrile rubber covered ball.
This time Flanged & Rated PN10. Face to Face
dimensions to EN558 Series 48 (DIN 3202/1 Series F6).
Design in accordance with EN12334.
The flanged version of the Ball Non Return Valves are
available in the following sizes DN 40, DN 50, DN 65, DN
80, DN 100, DN 125, DN 150, DN 200, DN 250, DN 300, DN 350, DN
400, DN 500, DN 600. Or in Imperial 1 1/2 Inch, 2 Inch, 2 1/2
Inch, 3 Inch, 4 Inch, 5 Inch, 6 Inch, 8
Inch, 10 Inch, 12 Inch, 14 Inch, 16 Inch,
20 Inch, 24 Inch.
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We would be pleased to discuss our Ball Check Valves with you.
Download our Ball Check Valve Datasheets here
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