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Tecofi » Check Valves » Swing Check Valves - DN15 to DN1000

Swing Check Valves, also called Clack Valves , Non Return Flap Valves or Plate Check Valves are what most people think of when (if) they think Non Return Valve. 

A circular door is hinged at the top and swings up to allow flow.  This design is suitable for mounting horizontally or vertically with upward flow - they are not suitable for vertical downward forward flow unless fitted with a counterweight.

We have a simple low cost version that clamps between flanges together with more conventional designs where the disc swings within the body.

UK stocks backed up by huge stocks at head office in France.


Swing Check Valves Wafer Pattern

The main stay of our Swing Check range are our plate wafer check valves.  Wafer Pattern with the disc swinging up into downstream pipework.  The body is fitted with O rings to act as gaskets.  The valve is rated PN16, Design in accordance with EN 14341.

It is available in two standard versions:
CB5440 Plated Steel Body & Disc with EPDM seat and gaskets
CB6441 Stainless Body & Disc with FPM (Generic Viton®) seat and gaskets.
Viton is a Registered Trade Mark of DuPont.

Both the Steel and Stainless Steel non return valves are available in the following sizes
DN 40, DN 50, DN 65, DN 80, DN 100, DN 125, DN 150, DN 200, DN 250, DN 300, DN 350, DN 400, DN 450, DN 500, DN 600, DN 700, DN 800, DN 1000
Or in Imperial
1 1/2 Inch, 2 Inch, 2 1/2 Inch, 3 Inch, 4 Inch, 5 Inch, 6 Inch, 8 Inch, 10 Inch, 12 Inch, 14 Inch, 16 Inch, 18 Inch, 20 Inch, 24 Inch, 28 Inch, 32 Inch, 40 Inch.

Download datasheets here
Steel Wafer Swing Check Valves
Stainless Wafer Swing Check Valves

Swing Check Valve Wafer Pattern
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Swing Check Valves Threaded

Type CB 2143, the standard screwed Swing Check Valve is manufactured in Bronze.  It is rated PN20 and has BSP Parallel ends.

The Threaded Swing Check Valve is available in the following sizes
DN 15, DN 20, DN 25, DN 32, DN 40, DN 50.
Or in Imperial
1/2 Inch, 3/4 Inch, 1 Inch, 1 1/4 Inch, 1 1/2 Inch, 2 Inch.

Download datasheets here
Swing Check Valves Screwed

Swing Check Valve Threaded
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Swing Check Valves Flanged

For positions where a more conventional flanged valve is required the CB3240 is hard to beat.  Rated PN16 to suit PN10 or PN16 flanges.  Face to Face dimensions to EN558 Series 48 (DIN 3202/1 Series F6).  Cast Iron construction with Copper Alloy sealing.

Our flanged Swing Check Non Return Valve is available in the following sizes
DN 40, DN 50, DN 65, DN 80, DN 100, DN 125, DN 150, DN 200, DN 250, DN 300, DN 350, DN 400
Or in Imperial
1 1/2 Inch, 2 Inch, 2 1/2 Inch, 3 Inch, 4 Inch, 5 Inch, 6 Inch, 8 Inch, 10 Inch, 12 Inch, 14 Inch, 16 Inch.

DataSheets are here
Swing Check Valves Flanged PN16
Swing Check Valves Flanged PN10

Swing Check Valve Flanged
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We believe we have a range of Swing Check Valves to cope with a wide array of conditions, we look forward to discussing your application with you.



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